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Decorating your home is an ongoing task. Here are some easy to implement ideas to get your place looking sharp and comfortable one room at a time.

Creating Spaces that Spell Simplicity and Style

Begin by removing unwanted clutter from the tops of furniture, shelves and the floor. (Place objects in a box or in a corner.)

If after doing this, you do not feel that you have created enough space, continue to remove objects from the room that really aren’t necessary to have around. Things like trinkets, momentos, excess picture frames, mail, greeting cards, doilies, etceteras, are just some objects that quickly render a room a mess if you let them accumulate.

Once you reach the level of tidy that you feel looks right, choose a key object or key objects that have either aesthetic value or that you need to have access to all the time and centre them on the furniture. This will create a point of focus for your eye to rest on when you look at this piece of furniture.

If you have exceptionally beautiful furniture, don’t hide it under doilies and other stuff. Try putting only one object of beauty like a vase or bowl to one side. The asymmetry will create a dynamic space: it will carry your eye across the detailed craftsmanship of the furniture to eventually allow your eye to rest on the object placed to the side. If you’re unsure about a move like that, sit with it for a few days and see how you feel about it. It is surprising how a simple change in design can grow on you.

Organizing makes you feel like the Opulent Owners of an Oasis

Remember all the clutter that you removed from your room? Now comes the time to deal with it. You may want to have easy access to it all. One way to achieve this is to invest in a series of stackable boxes (with a pattern maybe) or stackable baskets made of wicker. Decorative boxes or baskets can be used to separate and group objects appropriately while hiding them. Voila, you get accessibility, organization and an aesthetic look in your room by placing these in a corner, behind the couch or beside a chair.

Ergonomical thinking makes Every Event in your home an Easy and Enchanting Experience

Dictionary.com describes the word ergonomic as being the science of equipment design, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort.

Although we’re not going to design machinery for our homes, thinking ergonomically in terms of the home emphasizes the latter part of the above definition: “to maximize productivity to reduce operator fatigue and discomfort” translates to enjoying fully every square inch of your home by placing furniture, appliances and housewares strategically to be able to execute household chores with ease. Also, using colour, materials, decorative accents and other creative solutions to create a visually pleasing environment will have the effect of inspiring the people that dwell in the home to be more creative while helping them to relax.

Some ideas to consider to achieve an ergonomic environment:

1) Place shelves at a level where the objects on them are easy to reach.
2) Suspend wire baskets from the ceiling for the purpose of hanging plants or storing things, not to mention to create a charming and aesthetic look.
3) Hang pictures at eye level to view and enjoy the images with ease.
4) Keep furniture and objects far enough away from windows to be able to open and close the windows and enjoy the view from them with ease.

The nice thing about decorating your own place is that you don’t have to be rushed into making decisions. Remember to enjoy yourself and to give yourself the opportunity to sit with decorative decisions that you make. Then you can always change things around if you are not totally happy with them. Creating a space all your own takes time Eventually, you will get it right.
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